[EN] When I fish Adirondacks streams, I typically have a lot of action on small to medium size trout. Creating opportunities to connect to a larger specimen often requires a lot of effort and a repetitive attention to a collection of small details. When it happens, and such a fish is eventually brought to the net, it is always appreciated like an immense gift.
During a recent trip to Upstate NY, I had the chance to connect to 2 fish that I would place in that category.
The first was a really nice bow taken mid-morning while french nymphing a double nymph rig through heavy current. At the end of my 5wt, this bow made me feel like I had hooked into a little steelhead! WOW...9AM and this fish had already made my day!
The second was a brown....a HUGE resident brown in the 24+in range! It took a #14 copper nymph dead drifted through a feeding lane that had already proven to hold some solid fish in the past. After 3-4 minutes following that fish a good 150ft upstream and then downstream again back to his hole, my 5x tippet was still up to the challenge.
It is the fisherman who was not.
I was moving backwards towards the bank to try to bring that fish to some slower water, with the net in my left hand. This magnificient male brown was just a few feets in front of me in crystal clear water. I clearly saw what was the fish of a lifetime!
A few seconds later, I was sitting in 1 feet of water with my 5x tippet ondulating freely in the air.....
My feets had accidentally got stuck against an exposed rock....
It has been a week bottom does not hurt anymore.....but this fish has not gotten out of my head....
Don't do like me, and keep your lines tight! ;)
Tight lines! Bonne pêche automnale à tous! - Bruno.