Saturday, March 24, 2012

River fly fishing in beautiful Adirondacks. Pêche à la mouche en rivière dans la magnifique région des Adirondacks

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[EN] Spring 2010 saw the first time I crossed the Canadian border to go fish Upstate New-York. Since then I have had the chance to explore several river systems of the beautiful Adirondacks region discovering some of the finest fly fishing for wild brown trout I have ever seen. I have gathered some of my photos of the past two seasons in an attempt to describe how great a day can be wading one of these rivers...

[FR] Au printemps 2010 j'ai traversé la frontière Canadienne pour aller pêcher le nord de l'État de New-York pour la première fois. Depuis j'ai eu la chance d'explorer plusieurs rivières de la magnifique région des Adirondacks. J'y ai découvert un des meilleurs endroits pour la pêche à la mouche de truites brunes sauvages que je connaisse. J'ai rassemblé quelques-unes de mes photos des deux dernières saisons pour tenter de décrire ô combien formidable peut se révéler une journée sur l'une de ces rivières...

Adirondacks rivers are wild, strong and amazingly beautiful
I enjoy every second wading and fishing these rivers
They provide endless opportunities to the fly fisherman
where he can meet magnificent resident wild trouts
I often stop to contemplate the scenery
before continuing my way eager to discover the next meander of the river
Feisty native fish will take well-presented nymphs
They have perfect profiles, glowing fins and intense colors
Sometimes a bigger fish will chase your streamer and give you an incredible fight
creating a moment you will never forget
When the sun is high it is time for a rest
to reenergize you for some additional action
The well-rested fish is released to live another day
The fly angler drives back home already thinking about the next time...

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