Although I enjoyed some great action fly fishing Adirondacks Rivers for wild trout, I want to start this new series of posts with what has recently been a true revelation for me….. fishing for the Atlantic salmon in the Gaspe Peninsula!
It was for the first time of my life!
I cannot properly express it in words for now because this trip is too recent but I feel it deeply affected me as a fisherman, to say the least.
This first introduction to the pristine rivers of Gaspe has been organized by my friend and fishing partner Francis. Francis planned early September a 1800 km trip from Montreal throughout the Gaspe Peninsula. Over 3 days, we fished 3 of the most beautiful rivers I have had the chance to see.
We fished the magnificent Grande Cascapedia on the first day, the Sainte-Anne on the second and the Bonaventure on the last day.
Most of the action actually happened on day 2. There are two particular moments anchored in my mind….
Day 2, we are around 9am – we are fishing the lower section of the Sainte-Anne River, more specifically the Petite Islet pool. My Ally’s Shrimp fly gets a solid hit at the end of its swing….a salmon breaks me off almost instantly…..
During the seconds that follow, I am under the impression that I almost touched my dream…
And I am feeling so far away from it at the same time….
I still have so much to learn to earn the respect of Salmo salar….
Within a few seconds, fly fishing for Atlantic salmon has become my new addiction...
Day 2, just a few minutes before sunset – Francis and I are now both fishing the Rets pool of the Sainte-Anne River. I am fishing the head of the pool while Francis is fishing a section of the pool with slower currents 40 feets downriver. After thousands of casts accumulated during two days, we have not had the chance to touch the king of the river yet….
At that precise moment, I am totally captivated by the beauty of the full moon enlightening the river. I have taken out my DSLR to capture a memory of this beautiful riverscape.
Francis is not so happy about it because he wants me to take my first salmon!
He reminds me that I should take my rod instead of my camera and advises me to fish as much as possible before sunset.
«This is the best time of day! This is now that you will catch your first salmon» he says.
I listen to Francis and stop taking pictures. As I am walking towards the shore to grab my 8wt rod, I suddenly hear Francis yelling:
«Fish on!! WOOOWWW I have one! It’s a BIG fish!! WOOWWW!»
The salmon gives a solid fight with 6 or 7 jumps. Francis is fighting this fish perfectly.
Several minutes later, I am finally netting this big salmon for my friend. Francis exults.
A moment later, just before we release this beautiful salmon, we are near the shore of the river contemplating the catch of this trip.
It is dusk but we can see clearly. The full moon enlightens the king of fish.
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